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IBW Pride Flower - IBW 2020 free tutorial - component
This tutorial is a free tutorial for International Beading Week 2020. You will learn how to make petals, as taught in my Facebook Group "From Petal to Pod", and how to make the *sun" bezel with "flower furr" , which is optional, but looks really lovely (as shown in the photo of the magenta colored flower).
Level: intermediate or motivated advanced beginners.
Knowledge of RAW (preferably MRAW) and Peyote (preferably 3D peyote, as for triangles). is necessary.
Technique: 3D peyote, MRAW, picot stitch
Material: Toho seed beads in size 11/0 and 15/0, Preciosa seed beads size 10/0, a 14mm rivoli, plus the usual (needles, thread, scissors)
Copyright: this free pattern is for all to use; you may not sell it. Even if the tutorial is free, the photos, illustrations, design and texts remain my property, in other words: you need to ask if you can use part of this document in other publications, may it be in print or online. Kindly give me credit for my designs and work. Tell your friends to hop by my store if they are interested in this document (or another of my tutorials). Thank you!