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Diamond Weave - Book - Electronic Edition
This is an electronic edition of the book 'Diamond Weave' - 200 pages. You will receive an e-mail with a link to the download of the tutorial - you will not receive any of the jewelry shown above.
The book contains much more than the 23 projects mentioned on its cover. It offers many step-by-step lessons building upon one another to learn this cool beading stitch. You will learn basic Diamond Weave and complex variations, including various hexagon and octagon stitches, a Chinese coin motif weave and 'Waffle Weave'. The projects, each more beautiful than the other, have been designed to practice your new skills.
In addition to a multitude of designer's tips, notes and inspirational anecdotes to develop your own creativity, and push your designs further, the book also includes an impressive number of methods to attach or even make closures, including beautiful smooth buttonholes.
Beginners will love how easy it is to learn Diamond Weave, and many a master will happily add Diamond Weave to complete their arsenal of stitches.
Copy Right: please don't share or copy or sell or teach my beading patterns. Contact me for a teaching licence. Please be so kind give me credits for my designs; or link to my shop if you post pictures on the Internet. Sell what you make with your own hands - massive production is not allowed.