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Poinsettia - Initiation to Petal to Pod technique - Component - Tutorial
Learn how to make petals of many sizes, and discover their unique folding and zipping properties. I created this flower for a “Stitch knowledge” article in the Journal of the Beadworkers Guild, to introduce the readers to my geometric peyote “Petals” concept. The poinsettia needs 11 petals in different sizes, making it the perfect introduction to the method.
You will receive a full-color 7-page PDF which will show you step by step how to make this lovely flower and turn it into a table decoration, ornament for your Christmas tree, or even a hair comb, as the ones shown in photo 3, made with Delica beads by Eileen Montgomery.
The instructions are in English, text detailing each step, with clear, detailed, illustrations and photos.
Geometric Peyote (3D peyote / dimensional Peyote)
Level: beginner to intermediate - knowledge of peyote stitch is necessary
Materials: Seed beads in size 11/0 in 2 colors, drop beads, thread, etc.
Copy Right: please don't share or copy or sell or teach my beading patterns. Contact me for a teaching licence. Please be so kind give me credits for my designs; or link to my shop if you post pictures on the Internet. Sell what you make with your own hands - massive production is not allowed