Frosty - Snowman - Christmas Ornament or Component - Tutorial


This is a tutorial teaching you how to make Bolas Canastas (first part) and how to make Frosty, a tiny beaded snowman using the same technique. You will receive a full-color 17-page PDF which will show you step by step how to make him.  You will receive an e-mail with a link to the download of the tutorial - you will not receive the beadwork itself.

Frosty measures 48 mm x approx. 20mm, arms and scarf not counted - the arms and scarf will add approx.10 to 15mm depending on how the scarf and arms will "sit". Also, if you leave his hat open, he will be a little taller (see the last photo for that hat form).

This design is based on my “Bolas Canastas” (flat diagonal Cellini peyote) method to make beaded beads as taught in my Facebook Group "Cellini peyote freaks" and in my video on YouTube.

The instructions are in English with very clear, detailed, full-color illustrations and pictures, easy to understand.


Flat Diagonal Cellini Peyote

Level: intermediate to advanced knowledge of peyote stitch and Cellini peyote stitch are necessary

Materials: Delicas size 11/0. Seed beads in size 15/0 11/0, 8/0, superduo, small 2mm pearls, thread, etc.

Important note: avoid printing, my patterns are designed for use with tablets and may print very large.

Copy Right: please don't share or copy or sell or teach my beading patterns. Contact me for a teaching licence. Please be so kind give me credits for my designs; or link to my shop if you post pictures on the Internet. Sell what you make with your own hands - massive production is not allowed