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Rick Rack instructions and Graph paper
This bundle of graph papers and instructions can be downloaded for free, to help you make your own Rick Rack. Even if known as very consistent, cylinder beads may vary in size. This is nearly unnoticeable between two beads, but when aligning hundreds of them, it can result in a considerable difference. In other words, the graphs offer only an approximate sizing method, and to color in. More information is given in the document. Have fun rick-racking.
Level: Intermediate
Technique: Geometri Peyote, Rick Rack
Material: Cylinder beads size 11/0
Copy Right: this pattern is for free use for all; you may not sell it. Even if the tutorial is free, the photos, illustrations and text are my property as well as of the artists who contributed to it. We retain full rights on it (in other words: you need to ask if you can use part of this document in other publications, may it be in print or online). Kindly give us (me and the contributing artists) credits for our designs and work. Tell your friends to visit my store if they also are interested in this document (or another of my tutorials).